Thursday, April 19, 2018

End of the World – Fake News

We have seen a lot of news channels covering End of the World rumors or fake news. A recent such story was covered by The title was “No, the World Won't End Next Week and There's No Such Thing as a Christian Numerologist.“ This was published on September 16, 2017.

The author, Ed Setzer, starts with “I have written on this numerous time before and, undoubtedly, this won’t be the last time.” With articles like this, it makes Christians look silly. He is referring to an article in the front page of, “Christian doomsayers claim world will end next week.” A Christian numerologist David Meade, claims that the world will end next Saturday when a planet will collide with Earth. I liked when Ed says, “There’s no such thing as a Christian numerologist.” 

(1 Image, 2 Links, 4 Quotations, 141 Words) 

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