Thursday, February 15, 2018

Heene Family Perpetrates Fake News Story

 Out Of The Mouths of Babes

Balloon Boy

In October 2009 American were horrified by live news accounts of a Ft. Collins 6-year-old boy floating away in a helium-filled flying saucer.  The 20' diameter by 5' high craft was the invention of Richard Heene, father of the 6-year-old boy, Falcon.
For 2-1/2 hours viewer watched as the craft floated through the Colorado skies often on its side until it finally reached the ground.  Rescue worker were horrified when they reached the balloon only to find no sign of Falcon.  They feared he had plunged to his death.  "Obviously at this point we're looking at a recovery type of operation," said Larimer County Sheriff Jim Alderden.

Moments later Falcon entered his family home unscathed and claimed he had been hiding in the garage attic after his father had yelled at him and fell asleep.

Later in an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer when Falcon was asked why he didn't come out when he heard his family calling his name, he answered, "You had said that we did this for a show."  Falcon was referring to a reality show that his parents desperately wanted for the family.  The entire ordeal had been faked to garner attention for the Heene family in their bid to be television personalities.  [1 image, 1 link, 2 quotations, 215 words]

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