Thursday, February 15, 2018

Was the Hawaii missile alert real?

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Was the Hawaii missile alert real?

On Saturday, January 13, 2018, Hawaiian residences received an alert that a ballistic missile was inbound and to seek cover immediately, as according to CBS. CBS would later state in their report, "HONOLULU -- Hawaii emergency management officials said an alert sent to mobile phones and televisions warning of an incoming ballistic missile to Hawaii on Saturday was a false alarm. The emergency alert sent to cellphones said, "Ballistic missile threat inbound to Hawaii. Seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill."" However after the ordeal, it was later claimed that it was in fact a false alarm. But was it? As we know, North Korea has been testing and even launching missiles from its territory out into the ocean, perhaps one got too close? Perhaps North Korea tried initiating World War III however missed in the process, and the United States wishing to avoid conflict claimed it was a false alarm? (This was an example of fake news, meant to inspire unrealistic thoughts from reports that do not have anything close to what I am stating here.)

[1 Image, 1 link, 177 words, 1 quotation.]

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