Thursday, February 15, 2018

Is Tamiflu Causing Increased Deaths from Flu?

Is Tamiflu Causing Increased Deaths from Flu?

In February a Facebook post took place which blamed increased deaths on the drug "Tamiflu". The post blamed Tamiflu for symptoms like "confusion, speech problems, shaky movements, seizure, or starting to hearing voices. But the research supporting this connection was found controversial because of the fact that the deaths resulting from Tamiflu have been linked to "change in behavior", and the fact that majority of influenza deaths this year have been due to usual rates of pneumonia.  Also suggesting that Tamiflu is responsible for the increased number of deaths is illogical because the symptoms that would accompany the behavioral changes would be noticeable by anyone if they were that severe. [1 image, 1 link, 3 quotes, 111 words]

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