Monday, February 19, 2018

Was the Body of the Clintons' Former Housekeeper Found in Arkansas?

Was the Body of the Clintons' Former Housekeeper Found in Arkansas?

The body of the Clintons' former housekeeper was found by Arkansas police. On 20 December 2017, the America’s Last Line of Defense web site published an article headlined “Latest Dead Body Tied to the Clintons Turns Up Valuable Evidence,” reporting the discovery in Arkansas of the body of a former housekeeper for the Clintons, a woman who had disappeared over thirty years earlier. “The body was wrapped so well in plastic that much of the tissue is still intact. We were able to extract 2 DNA samples. We’ve determined that one was an unborn child. That could be huge in determining who else was a part of this young woman’s life.” Though, many people have said the Clinton's can be shady, who is to say this isn't true? [ 1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation, 128 words]

Did a Woman Sue a Paris Zoo After an Escaped Hippo Tried to Rape Her?

Did a Woman Sue a Paris Zoo After an Escaped Hippo Tried to Rape Her?  

A 400-pound woman sued a Paris zoo after an escaped hippo tried to rape her. The Paris Zoological Park is being sued after a woman claims she was sexually assaulted by a hippopotamus that had escaped the zoo for only a few hours yesterday. The large semiaquatic mammal apparently was able to slip out of its pen last night after massive flooding and a fallen tree severely damaged the security fence.  The World News Daily Report is a well-known purveyor of fake news with has a long history of publishing misinformation and an apparent fascination with bestiality. This is a great news story to show Fake News. The picture of the hippopotamus was taken when one escaped back in 2015 and the women is someone who passed away in 2012. “The suit accused the airlines of having sent his 407-pound wife Vilma “on a debilitating ‘wild goose chase’ from airline to airline, airport to home, and country to country” that caused her to lose her life in Oct. 2012.” [1 image, 2 links, 1 quotation, 169 words]

Did a Judge Cut a Pedophile’s Prison Term Because He Claimed a 3-Year-Old ‘Asked’ to Be Raped?

Did a Judge Cut a Pedophile’s Prison Term Because He Claimed a 3-Year-Old ‘Asked’ to Be Raped?

A judge cut fifteen years off the sentence of a man convicted of lewd acts with a 3-year-old girl because the perpetrator claimed the child had 'asked to be raped. In December 2014, Kevin Jonas Rojano-Nieto was convicted of one felony count of sexual intercourse or sodomy of a child 10 years or younger, and one felony count of lewd acts upon a child under the age of 14. This event was in Santa Ana, California. The false notion that the defendant claimed the victim “asked me to do it,” and that the judge “backed” his claim, appeared nowhere in any reporting on the case, nor in the judge’s sentencing analysisthe judge held that he was recommending a lesser sentence because Rojano-Nieto had acted on a momentary impulse, had promptly recognized its wrongfulness, and had stopped almost immediately. If Rojano-Nieto had claimed his 3-year-old victim had “asked to be raped,” that element would surely have been cited by the prosecution as a factor supporting a harsher sentence. [ 1 image, 1 link, 2 quotations, 168 words]

Did 'The Simpsons' Predict a Mass Shooting at a 'Black Panther' Movie Screening?

Did 'The Simpsons' Predict a Mass Shooting at a 'Black Panther' Movie Screening?

The Simpsons predicted that there would be a mass shooting at a screening of the movie "Black Panther." Popular animated television show ‘The Simpsons’ has gained a reputation for “predicting” the future over the years. Although we’d probably classify these predictions as coincidences (and have repeatedly noted that many of these predictions were actually hoaxes or misrepresented in some way), some internet users have come to see the show as some sort of window into the future. Could a television series be accurate? The movie theater portion of the viral image did not originate in The Simpsons.  People could see this as a sign but in reality, it is too easy to use clip art and other web design applications. [ 1 image, 4 links, 1 quotation, 120 words]

Fake News is Cool

                                        Fake News is Cool  

Long before “fake news” became a hit for the Trumpites, it was the trendiest form of protest for the George W. Bush years. It was the year of fake news. No,  it was not 2017, when so-called fake news reigned as a staple of the president’s tweetsFacebook cracked down on false accounts that spewed propaganda, and Collins Dictionary anointed “fake news” its “word of the year.” In 2004, fake news had become the “the comic trope of the moment." Much like the present political moment, there was no shortage of political rage in 2004.  This was also the last era before the internet and social media splintered American news consumption habits. This is something all millennials know, is Fake News does exist.  [ 1 image, 3 links, 1 quotation, 123 words]

Friday, February 16, 2018

Mostly False: 18 U.S. school shootings so far in 2018 and 18 in rest of the world over past 20 year
In the recent school shooting in Florida, it has sparked a lot of attention again on gun laws, or lack there of.  The media, is claiming that since the new year, there has been 18 school shootings.  Certain reporters and analyst are reporting that this information is incorrect. "It's a provocative claim that has generated 130,000 likes on Twitter."  There have been several suicides, incidents of stray bullets going through windows and not injuring anyone  or shoot outs near a school.  While even a single bullet fired in a school at a student is too many, it is irresponsible reporting to state that there are more shooting in schools than are actually taking place.  Gun laws are what they are and until they are changed, there is no reason for incorrect reporting to scare people into what the democrats believe is a necessary change.
[144 words, 1 image, 1 quote, 1 link]

Tragic End!

Jackie Kennedy — Guilt-Ridden Widow’s Assassination Secret

Refused to testify in new JFK hearings!

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy was one of the saddest days in the history of America.  People all across the country and even world mourned the death of the young leader, taken way too early.  None mourned more and harder than his beloved wife, Jackie Kennedy.  She has finally explained to the Enquirer that he felt go guilty about her husbands death because she feels she could have prevented it.  She describes the incident, "I was looking left at the time of the shot, if only I had been looking to the right, I would have seen the first shot hit him and could have pulled him to safety before the final shot killed him." She told author William Manchester about her continued guilt and in his opinion, "poor Jackie has never gotten over the guilt of not pulling her husband to safety that day."

[1 picture, 1 link, 2 quotes, 147 words ]

Did 'The Simpsons' Predict a Mass Shooting at a 'Black Panther' Movie Screening?

Did 'The Simpsons' Predict a Mass Shooting at a 'Black Panther' Movie Screening? The Simpsons have gained a reputation over the years for ‘predicting’ the future, but this is far from the truth.'The Simpsons' predicted that there would be a mass shooting at a screening of the movie "Black Panther" were based on a doctored image. It never appeared in the Simpsons original show, only online where someone edited clip art and tried to pass it off as the Simpsons original content.

Separation of Church and State?

McKinney ISD recently announced that they would be relocating their graduation ceremonies from the traditional Baptist Church at Preston Wood. This announcement comes after months of backlash from parents and different members of the community concerned with the religious aspect being brought into the high school graduations. The problem arose when the hosting church refused to cover a visible cross for a ceremony. The Priest of Preston Wood Baptist Church responded to the news on twitter as he wrote"It appears religious freedom is under attack at the McKinney Public Schools. It was our refusal to remove the cross from view that created this cowardly decision. Just wondering on what planet a church, synagogue, or mosque would be expected to cover its religious symbols to host a public school graduation". Priest Jack wasn't the only one upset. Many alumni find themselves very upset about the end of a decade long tradition of the graduation location.
[1 IMAGE, 1 LINK, 1 QUOTE, 155 WORD]

Michelle Obama blamed Donald Trump for Florida shooting

Michelle Obama blamed Donald Trump for Florida shooting

Facebook flagged a post on February 16 that quoted Michelle Obama saying  ‘Florida shooting is clearly Trump’s fault, these shootings are happening constantly since he became our president." This story of course turned out to be false however two identical stories appeared on two other websites. This just goes to show you, you have to fact check everything you are reading online.

Infamy Dividends!

Amanda Knox Cashing In On Murder

Telling her gruesome story — at up to $10,000 for an appearance!


Amanda Knox is in the news again.  This time, she is telling her story to any outlet that will hear it, at the right price of course.  Ten years ago, Knox's roommate abroad, Meredith Kercher was brutally murdered.  Knox was suspected and eventually convicted twice for the murder of Kercher.  She was finally acquitted of this crime in 2007 after spending nearly four years in an Italian prison. Charging $5000 to $10000 to share her story is the going rate but she is also renting out a room in her Seattle apartment she shares with her boyfriend, Christopher Robin, for $80 a night.  The couple has gotten good reviews about how nice the couple is and very accommodating.  Guest described "having booze and condoms available on offer along with a whip on display in the living area." Not everyone is a fan though, many have stated, "it seems there is no limit she will do when it comes to making money."  Insiders also stated, "She is tarnishing the memory of Meredith Kercher."

[1 picture, 1 link, 3 quotes, 172 words]